Resource Recourse

   Reading time 23


In the remote mining station above the planet Ketkallet, Junior Officer Bellic receives a request for special permission to use explosives in a challenging mining operation. The explosion uncovers a new mineral called Rosenstorr, which emits a mesmerizing glow and possesses unique properties.

However, their discovery attracts the attention of the Bohai Mining Alliance, who launch a surprise attack on the station to seize the valuable resource. Director Riillg and his team engage in a desperate battle to defend the station, but ultimately face betrayal from Overwatcher Gruug.

As the station falls to the invaders, Riillg confronts Gruug in a final showdown.

Above the Planet Ketkallet

A pained hiss was heard in the silence of the communications room aboard the Prime Mining’s space station in the Delta sector of Vignicar space, over the planet Ketkallet. 

Alone in the room was Junior Officer Bellic who’d just burnt his tongue on what was his third cup of achau. The only thing keeping him awake after he’d drawn the short straw in manning the comm during the graveyard shift. 

 It was just another day in a long line that seemed to blur together on the K-Station (what the station’s inhabitants called it for short). The space station’s official designation was KLPM-1587 which was more than a mouthful and quite an annoyance to name to Headquarters during official check-ins. 

Bellic sighed as he glanced at the chronometer and saw there was still another three hours until he was relieved of duty. Then he could catch a few winks of sleep before continuing the search to where he’d like to spend his upcoming vacation time. While the resorts of Zas’shir had their appeal, he was definitely drawn to the Basel with its love of games and competitive sports.  

Though there was much pleasure to be found on Resihi….

“*Pshzt* Hello? Mining Section #2548 to Prime Mining Station. We need special permission given to handle a delicate situation. Repeat. We need special permission. Please come in. *Pshzt*.”

 Bellic jolted in his seat at the crackle of the comm. 

It took a moment for him to process the message that had been relayed. Section #2548 needed special permission? That particular section of mines was devoted to procuring Meskham ore. A special metal that deflects almost all types of laser fire, making it a must have for any type of armoring. While the ore was extremely valuable there was little danger in procuring it besides the usual mining hazards. 

Hopefully their request was something benign. Clearing his throat, Bellic answered the call.

“*Pshzt* This is Junior Communications Officer Bellic, reporting on duty to Mining Section #2548. What is it I can help you with? Over. *Pshzt*.” 

“*Pshzt* Yes, this is Overseer Kalisz. We need permission to set charges to blow up a section of the mine that has proven to be unreceptive to the drilling equipment we have on hand. I will send the coordinates of the section we plan to blow, where we will plant the charges, and the likely outcome of the blast. All personnel have already been warned of an impending blast and have fallen back in the opposite direction. Over. *Pshzt*.”

There was a trio of beeps from Bellic’s control console signaling that a message had been sent. Opening it, Bellic skimmed through its contents to make sure it contained the exact information the Overseer said it would. Once satisfied proper procedure was being followed, Bellic had the message copied thrice and sent to be reviewed by Communications Head Officer Kaijic, Overwatcher Gruug, and Director Riillg. 

If all three officers on command found the use of explosives necessary then those on the planet below could proceed with the demolition, if not, then the area they wished to mine would simply be marked off and mining would continue around that area. 

“*Pshzt* All information has been received and transmitted to the proper authorities. Awaiting authorization. Over *Pshzt*.”  

12 Hours Later – Planet Ketkallet, Mining Section #2548

“Everything’s set! On the count of three! One! Two! Three!”


The explosion was heard for miles around the area. Due to how dense the rock was that needed to be cleared, at least a dozen plasma charges had needed to be set to possibly penetrate its hardness. Costly Durnam energy shielding easily protected those closest to the blast. 

M.A.B’s (Mining Assistant Binarie) were used to clear the air of debris so that it could be seen exactly what they were dealing with. When everything was finally clear, Prime Mining Co. was greeted with a surprise. 

Instead of seeing the dull glittering of an abundance of Meshkam ore, they were instead greeted to the sight of a massive amount of mineral that glowed bright fuchsia. Confused by such a discovery many approached the mineral touching it with wonder. 

Overseer Kalisz viewed the sight with growing excitement. The discovery of a new resource during a mining expedition was always a boon for a company, and especially a source of pride for the one who discovered it. She rushed to inform K-Station. 

Aboard Prime Mining Station – Conference Room

“Commence with your report,” commanded Director Riillg. 

Less than 72 hours ago a new mineral resource was discovered on Ketkallet. Due to the mineral’s color and glow, it had been dubbed Rosenstorr due to its red hue akin to that of a rose on Endarr.  

Surrounding him were the Senior Staff of Prime Mining Station. Overwatcher Gruug, First Officer Arkon, Communications Head Officer Kaijic, Lead Scientist Skifpf, Chief Security Officer Moragg, and Lead Engineer Ekxan. 

All of them were gathered to hear Skifpf report of his initial findings on the mineral. 

Skifpf scanned through the Datapad in his hand before clearing his throat and speaking. 

“As you know the mineral Rosenstorr was only found a couple of days ago, so my findings aren’t complete and by no means conclusive, but they are fascinating nonetheless. I’ll start off with the mineral’s physical properties. 

Rosenstorr’s most notable characteristic is its color and hypnotizing glow. The mineral is fuchsia in color and its glow can be observed whether in darkness or in sunlight. We’ve discovered one of the reasons for such a glow is that the mineral is radioactive. Yes, you’ve heard that correctly, it is 100% radioactive. 

Fortunately the radiation it gives off is minimal, though we’ve yet to determine what long term exposure to such radiation could do, hence why I don’t have a physical sample of the mineral on display at this moment. This will have to suffice.”

Here Skifpf paused to take a remote out of his pocket. Pressing a button caused the holoprojector in the middle of the conference table to light up and show the image of a large chunk of Rosenstorr.

“All personnel who work with the mineral have been instructed to wear hazmat suits in order to cut down on the possibility of radiation poisoning. Back to its physical properties…the mineral on the hardness scale ranks about a 6, and it can be crushed in to a very fine powder. It appears to alter whatever substance in comes into contact with. For example, when submerged into water it changed both its color and consistency. 

Which leads into the mineral’s chemical properties. Taking that water sample we gave it to several different rodents to see what effect it would have them. For two rodents it did absolutely nothing with them only refusing to continue drinking. One rodent died within about five hours of ingesting the tainted water, while three other rodents underwent….physical changes.”

“What kind of physical changes?” interrupted Overwatcher Gruug. 

Director Riillg shot Gruug a stern look for interrupting Skifpf, a look which was promptly ignored. 

Skifpf for his credit continued as if Overwatcher Gruug hadn’t even spoken. 

“The physical changes varied drastically. One rodent’s muscle mass increased by over 50% making him larger, stronger, more aggressive than usual. Another acquired the ability to stick to walls, something not even remotely common to its species. The last changed almost completely. Its physiology changed almost overnight in a somewhat monstrous way with it shedding its fur, growing extra limbs, a changed eye color and acquiring massive strength.”

“Hmm,” hummed Director Riillg. “Fascinating.”

Scientist Skifpf nodded his head vigorously. “Yes, very much so. There’s no telling the limits to the potential this mineral has.”

As Director Riillg motioned for Skifpf to continue with his findings, nobody noticed Overwatcher Gruug grinning with a greedy gleam in his eye. 

24 Hours Later – Prime Mining Station



It happened suddenly and without warning. One minute all was quiet, space was clear and it was business as usual. Then the next, was an attack of epic proportions as K-Station was attacked by Bohai Mining Alliance out of the darkness of space. 

The only conclusion Director Riillg could come to was that someone had tipped them off about their discovery of Rosenstorr which had lead Bohai Mining Alliance to make the decision to commandeer the resource for themselves. And considering they had sent their private fleet rather than a bunch a bounty hunters or mercenaries spoke volumes. 

Well, no matter. They wouldn’t get their hands on this station or Rosenstorr without a fight so it mattered little to him. All he needed to do was have the station hold out long enough for backup to arrive from the Prime Command. Not an easy task but one he was willing to undertake until his dying breath. 

Immediately Riillg began barking orders, starting with the station raising its defense before they could sustain any more heavy damage. While the station already had some light shielding always running to deflect space debris it wasn’t up to handling blaster cannon fire. Bohai Mining Alliance had caused significant damage to the east wing of the station which was unfortunately where a lot of living quarters were. 

Luckily the Chief Security Officer was on shift and immediately raised their strongest shields to prevent more chaos. Fires were already being put out in the east wing and the medical bay was undamaged. 

K-Station deployed Prime Mining’s Defense Fighters. It was the only attack craft on the Station due to limitations but they were damn good in battle. What the Defense Fighters lacked in fire power with their quad laser cannons, they made up for in maneuverability. A good match to Bohai Corporate Fighters with their vexx bombs and dual laser cannons which while granting greater fire power were less maneuverable. 

Though itching to hop into a Defense Fighter himself, Director Riilg knew his place was at the helm overseeing the battle from all angles. He had to trust in his men to do the job in bringing Bohai Mining Alliance to heel. 

Space Battle

One of those men was ace pilot Lt. Commander Fenton who had just managed to destroy two Corporate Fighters by leading one on a merry chase that ended with it crashing into a fellow pilot because it couldn’t keep up with his maneuvers. 

Fenton whipped around looking for other nearby targets when he saw that groups of Corporate Fighters, rather than attacking Defense Fighters were shooting at certain parts of the shields to the station. 

Confused, he tried to figure out the reasoning for this when it hit him. “The shield generators!” The dirty bastards had somehow figured out where they were located and were trying to take them out to lower the shields. It would leave the station totally defenseless!

He relayed the information quickly to his comrades and set about disrupting the flight patterns of the attackers to keep them from wearing down the shields weak spots. As he spun in dizzying routes to try and disorient his opponents he found himself being tailed by no less than three Corporate Fighters.

Unsurprising considering he alone had taken out a good chunk of Bohai Mining Alliance forces, making the fight much more even. Though he effectively flew circles around them and even though he managed to severely damage one of the fighters, it was difficult to shake them. It didn’t help that just when he’d get them in his sights they would deploy their rear vexx bombs, causing him to have to make a hasty retreat. 

Of course, just when he thought things couldn’t get worse there was frantic beeping from his navigation map showing that another massive force had arrived. While hope bloomed in his chest that they were reinforcements or the Vignicar Space Militia deciding to step in. Those hopes were dashed when he saw it was seven (7) Bohai Mining Alliance Hijack Craft, designed to carry troopers to invade space stations. 

Aboard Prime Mining Station 

The shields were almost down.

That was the thought running through Director Riillg’s mind as he order all personnel to arm themselves and prepare for invaders. 

Dealing with pirate fleets wanting to destroy the station was one thing. Their Defense Fighters were more than up to the job and were winning by all accounts. However, the introduction of Hijack Craft into the fight had changed the game. 

Though there were trained security personnel aboard and every person on board had been taught how to wield a blast cannon, that was nothing compared to having to fight what was effectively a small well trained army. 

It pained him to think it but there was a good chance they would lose the station and the mines. He’d informed Prime Command about the situation and they had estimated 2-4 hours before they could reach them. That was three hours ago. Time was running out now that Hijack Crafts had appeared. 

Making a quick decision he ordered for the station to be evacuated and only those to stay who would be willing to fight.

The only thing he wished now was that he could find out who, what or how they were tipped off about Rosenstorr. 

“Sir! The shields are down!” yelled an Ensign.

“Everybody prepare for impact!”


Less than a minute later the station was assaulted from all sides as Hijack Craft puncture holes into the station and deployed its troops.

The little advantage the defenders had was that they knew the station inside and out, and the hallways were narrow. The fighting was fierce and almost claustrophobic in nature. He was more often than not pressed shoulder to shoulder with his subordinates as they fired at the intruders. For every one they took down they lost two or three. Primarily due to the fact their enemies were armored and they were not.

At this point only a handful of his men were left and they had been pushed back to the command center. As he was about to order them to start making their way to the remaining escape pods, he heard several blasts ring out behind him.

Turning he saw his remaining men dead. Stunned, he searched for the perpetrator only to come face to face with Overwatcher Gruug. 

Riillg raised his weapon, pointing it at Gruug’s head. “I suppose I can assume it was you that tipped them off?”

“Ding, ding, ding. Give the man a prize,” chuckled Gruug. 

The two began to circle each other, their weapons aimed at one another. Riillg was distantly aware of the approaching troopers. He would need to make this quick.

“So, how much did they pay you to sell us out?” asked Riillg.

“Enough.” Gruug shrugged. 

Riillg fired but missed as Gruug dodged to the side. Riillg took the opportunity to search for cover. 

“Give it up Director! It won’t be long before you’re outnumbered.”

“Not on your life.” 

A gun fight ensued as the two traded fire from behind their cover. Any effort Riillg made to move from behind his cover to an exit was blocked each time by Gruug’s swift response. Realizing time was running short, Riillg began to devise a plan during the times he popped up from his cover.

Looking behind Gruug he noticed an exposed wall panel showing some piping. An idea formed. The next time he popped up Riillg shot at the piping causing a blast steam to come out. The moment in came in contact with Gruug he began to scream and moved out of the way. That’s when he took aim and shot the Overwatcher between the eyes dropping him dead.

And not a moment too soon as troopers began to enter the command center. Diving into the nearest exit, Riillg booked it towards the nearest escape pod located in his office. Reaching his office he immediately hopped into his escape pod and set it on a course to Prime Command.

Bohai Mining Alliance might have won this battle but they definitely had not one the war. 

Aboard the new Bohai Mining Alliance Space Station

“How are repairs coming along?”

Director Kon was languidly going over the few documents they’d managed to recover from Prime Mining’s computer databases. He was sitting in his quarters aboard his starship that was currently making its way towards their newly acquired station. 

In front of this was Commander Shenzll whom he’d put in command of taking over the station. 

“Repairs are going swiftly sir. The station was damaged badly in the takeover, however we have already restored power and oxygen. We already have people down on the planet taking over the mines and securing our newest resource.”

“Excellent. Let me know when the station is mostly operational. I’m on my way.”

“Understood sir.”

Prime Mining Headquarters (Prime Command)

“Phew”. He couldn’t believe they’d finally made it. 

Overseer Kalisz felt nothing but relief at finally landing his spacecraft at headquarters.

When he had gone down to Ketkallet two days ago, he had expected to make a simple loading run of more Rosenstorr to be shipped to the Prime Command in a couple days. Never did he expect the station to be attacked in the process of that. 

Luckily Bohai Mining Alliance was so busy trying to take over the station they had paid little attention to what was going on on the planet’s surface. Thus, instead of going back towards K-Station with the goods, Kalisz and his crew had simply gone the other direction, hopefully none the wiser. 

They had been paranoid that their departure was noticed and fighters were being sent after them. Fortunately their fears had been unfounded. They had made it home without a hitch. 

Bohai Mining Alliance might have the station and mines now, but they wouldn’t be the only ones to know what the stuff did and how valuable it was. They’d get everything back again. It was only a matter of time.

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